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Who we are:

We are a group of people who care about the health and welfare of others. We love to serve other people and we accomplish this by serving people in the Granite City, IL area, Haiti and the Philippines. Mission 1:11 was formed to have an organization where people of all walks of life could come together and support those in need. We hope you will join our efforts to make life a little better for someone else.


Our Volunteers:

Our volunteers come from all walks of life. Some people volunteer locally in our feeding program while others take missions trips to Haiti and the Philippines to serve others in those countries. Other people support Mission 1:11 with prayer and some support with one-time or monthly donations. No matter how you decided to help, we welcome you to volunteer in one of our many projects throughout the year.


Our Board of Directors:

Mission 1:11 has a Board of Directors who meet on a regular basis. The board makes all the decisions for the various outreach programs Mission 1:11 works on throughout the year.

Our location
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